
Common Myths and Legends About Dermal Fillers


Because there is so much information available about dermal fillers, it can be difficult to tell what is true and what is not. In this article, we debunk some of the most common misconceptions about this treatment.


Isn't Botox just a filler?

Wrong! Botox is a neuromodulator which works by weakening the facial muscles that cause lines and wrinkles, whereas dermal fillers are tissue volumisers that are typically used to fill wrinkles or hollow parts of the face and provide support and definition of the facial features.


The temples, under-eye circles, cheeks, lips,  corners of the mouth, marionette lines, jowls, sagging jawline are all areas that can be treated with dermal fillers. 


Fillers have a 'fake' appearance

When dermal fillers are done correctly, no! The results depend on the treatment vision of the practitioner and it is therefore paramount that it aligns with yours! Silvie's ethos is achieving natural looking, elegant  results. Although some people may notice that you appear to be revitalised, they are unlikely to know why.


It's important to remember that, as with any type of injectable procedure, you should seek treatment from an experienced, medically qualified provider who has access to further professional support and is proficient at managing complications, should any arise! 


There will be pain and a long recovery period

False! Cosmetic procedures like dermal fillers can cause slight pain; however,  most fillers contain a numbing agent, which can significantly reduce any pain felt during the injections.  Silvie also uses specialised numbing cream to achieve your comfort before, during, and after your treatment. On a scale of 1–10, many clients rate their pain as a 2–3.

There is usually only minor bruising and swelling, so you can get back to your regular routine right away after the dermal fillers process. Cool compresses and Arnica cream can help reduce the bruising and swelling. 

Bruising and/or swelling can usually be concealed with make-up and is usually barely noticeable. 


I'll have to do it on a regular basis.

Not quite! Whereas the fillers do break down over time due to natural enzymatic process in the body, the dermal filler injections can last from 6 -18 months, depending on the type of filler used and where it is placed. In some clients the duration may be even longer and most would require only a touch up treatment with smaller than originally used volumes to maintain the results.