
Nasolabial / Marionette / Jowls /Temples

Nasolabial / Marionette / Jowls

Lines and folds become more noticeable with aging due to degenerative changes in the skin, including loss of collagen and elasticity, leading to  volume depletion and tissue descent.

Nasolabial  lines appears as deep folds between the cheeks and the upper lip.

Marionette lines run from the corners of the mouth, separating the chin from the cheeks.

Jowls describes the sagging of  the skin below the chin and jawline. Pre-jowls, or pre- jowl sulcus area, is an area on either side of the chin that can begin to appear hollow.

Dermal filler can be used to fill these lines and folds and replenish the deficit in facial volume. 


The aging process causes volume loss and tissue descent from the mid face. This also makes the temple area appear hollow and concave.

Dermal filler can be used to restore the volume in the temples,  which creates more youthful contour and harmonisation of the overall facial appearance.

Treatment details summary:
✔️ free consultation
✔️ anaesthesia available
✔️ no or minimal down time
✔️ aftercare/ follow up available
✔️ results visible immediately
✔️ results last up to 18 months